Module scylla::transport::legacy_query_result

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  • Result of a single query
    Contains all rows returned by the database and some more information
  • LegacyQueryResult::rows() or a similar function called on a bad LegacyQueryResult.
    Expected LegacyQueryResult.rows to be Some, but it was None.
    LegacyQueryResult.rows is Some for queries that can return rows (e.g SELECT).
    It is None for queries that can’t return rows (e.g INSERT).
  • LegacyQueryResult::result_not_rows() called on a bad LegacyQueryResult.
    Expected LegacyQueryResult.rows to be None, but it was Some.
    LegacyQueryResult.rows is Some for queries that can return rows (e.g SELECT).
    It is None for queries that can’t return rows (e.g INSERT).
  • TypedRowIterDeprecated
    Iterator over rows parsed as the given type
    Returned by rows.into_typed::<(...)>()



  • IntoTypedRowsDeprecated
    Trait used to implement Vec<result::Row>::into_typed<RowT>