use std::{
net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener},
use tempfile::TempDir;
pub(crate) fn unused_port() -> u16 {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("")
.expect("Failed to create TCP listener to find unused port");
let local_addr =
listener.local_addr().expect("Failed to read TCP listener local_addr to find unused port");
pub(crate) fn extract_value<'a>(key: &str, line: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> {
let mut key_equal = Cow::from(key);
let mut key_colon = Cow::from(key);
if !key_equal.ends_with('=') {
key_equal = format!("{}=", key).into();
if !key_colon.ends_with(": ") {
key_colon = format!("{}: ", key).into();
if let Some(pos) = line.find(key_equal.as_ref()) {
let start = pos + key_equal.len();
let end = line[start..].find(' ').map(|i| start + i).unwrap_or(line.len());
if start <= line.len() && end <= line.len() {
return Some(line[start..end].trim());
if let Some(pos) = line.find(key_colon.as_ref()) {
let start = pos + key_colon.len();
let end = line[start..].find(',').map(|i| start + i).unwrap_or(line.len()); if start <= line.len() && end <= line.len() {
return Some(line[start..end].trim());
pub(crate) fn extract_endpoint(key: &str, line: &str) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
extract_value(key, line)
.map(|val| val.trim_start_matches("Some(").trim_end_matches(')'))
.and_then(|val| val.parse().ok())
pub fn run_with_tempdir_sync(prefix: &str, f: impl FnOnce(PathBuf)) {
let temp_dir = TempDir::with_prefix(prefix).unwrap();
let temp_dir_path = temp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
pub async fn run_with_tempdir<F, Fut>(prefix: &str, f: F)
F: FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
let temp_dir = TempDir::with_prefix(prefix).unwrap();
let temp_dir_path = temp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
fn test_extract_value_with_equals() {
let line = "key=value some other text";
assert_eq!(extract_value("key", line), Some("value"));
fn test_extract_value_with_colon() {
let line = "key: value, more text here";
assert_eq!(extract_value("key", line), Some("value"));
fn test_extract_value_not_found() {
let line = "unrelated text";
assert_eq!(extract_value("key", line), None);
fn test_extract_value_equals_no_space() {
let line = "INFO key=";
assert_eq!(extract_value("key", line), Some(""))
fn test_extract_value_colon_no_comma() {
let line = "INFO key: value";
assert_eq!(extract_value("key", line), Some("value"))
fn test_extract_http_address() {
let line = "INFO [07-01|13:20:42.774] HTTP server started endpoint= auth=false prefix= cors= vhosts=localhost";
extract_endpoint("endpoint=", line),
Some(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8545)))
fn test_extract_udp_address() {
let line = "Updated local ENR enr=Enr { id: Some(\"v4\"), seq: 2, NodeId: 0x04dad428038b4db230fc5298646e137564fc6861662f32bdbf220f31299bdde7, signature: \"416520d69bfd701d95f4b77778970a5c18fa86e4dd4dc0746e80779d986c68605f491c01ef39cd3739fdefc1e3558995ad2f5d325f9e1db795896799e8ee94a3\", IpV4 UDP Socket: Some(, IpV6 UDP Socket: None, IpV4 TCP Socket: Some(, IpV6 TCP Socket: None, Other Pairs: [(\"eth\", \"c984fc64ec0483118c30\"), (\"secp256k1\", \"a103aa181e8fd5df651716430f1d4b504b54d353b880256f56aa727beadd1b7a9766\")], .. }";
extract_endpoint("IpV4 TCP Socket: ", line),
Some(SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], 30303)))
fn test_unused_port() {
let port = unused_port();
assert!(port > 0);
fn test_run_with_tempdir_sync() {
run_with_tempdir_sync("test_prefix", |path| {
assert!(path.exists(), "Temporary directory should exist");
assert!(path.is_dir(), "Temporary directory should be a directory");
async fn test_run_with_tempdir_async() {
run_with_tempdir("test_prefix", |path| async move {
assert!(path.exists(), "Temporary directory should exist");
assert!(path.is_dir(), "Temporary directory should be a directory");