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* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/// Smithy auth scheme implementations.
pub mod auth;
pub mod defaults;
pub mod dns;
pub mod endpoint;
/// Built-in Smithy HTTP clients and connectors.
/// See the [module docs in `aws-smithy-runtime-api`](aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::http)
/// for more information about clients and connectors.
pub mod http;
/// Utility to simplify config building for config and config overrides.
pub mod config_override;
/// The client orchestrator implementation
pub mod orchestrator;
/// Smithy code related to retry handling and token buckets.
/// This code defines when and how failed requests should be retried. It also defines the behavior
/// used to limit the rate at which requests are sent.
pub mod retries;
/// Utilities for testing orchestrators. An orchestrator missing required components will panic when
/// run. This module contains stub components that can be used when you only care about testing some
/// specific aspect of the orchestrator.
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
pub mod test_util;
mod timeout;
/// Smithy identity used by auth and signing.
pub mod identity;
/// Interceptors for Smithy clients.
pub mod interceptors;
/// Stalled stream protection for clients
pub mod stalled_stream_protection;
/// Generic Smithy SDK feature identifies.
pub mod sdk_feature;
/// Smithy support-code for code generated waiters.
pub mod waiters;