#, is
a shared type for the [`HttpConnector`](crate::client::http::HttpConnector) trait,
which allows for sharing a single HTTP connector instance (and its connection pool) among multiple clients.
The following instantiates a concrete implementation of the `RuntimePlugin` trait.
We can do `RuntimePlugin` things on this instance.
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::StaticRuntimePlugin;
let some_plugin = StaticRuntimePlugin::new();
We can convert this instance into a shared type in two different ways.
# use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::StaticRuntimePlugin;
# let some_plugin = StaticRuntimePlugin::new();
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::SharedRuntimePlugin;
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::shared::{IntoShared, FromUnshared};
// Using the `IntoShared` trait
let shared: SharedRuntimePlugin = some_plugin.into_shared();
// Using the `FromUnshared` trait:
# let some_plugin = StaticRuntimePlugin::new();
let shared = SharedRuntimePlugin::from_unshared(some_plugin);
The `IntoShared` trait is useful for making functions that take any `RuntimePlugin` impl and convert it to a shared type.
For example, this function will convert the given `plugin` argument into a `SharedRuntimePlugin`.
# use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::{RuntimePlugin, SharedRuntimePlugin};
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::shared::IntoShared;
fn take_shared(plugin: impl RuntimePlugin + 'static) {
let _plugin: SharedRuntimePlugin = plugin.into_shared();
This can be called with different types, and even if a `SharedRuntimePlugin` is passed in, it won't nest that
`SharedRuntimePlugin` inside of another `SharedRuntimePlugin`.
# use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_plugin::{RuntimePlugin, SharedRuntimePlugin, StaticRuntimePlugin};
# use aws_smithy_runtime_api::shared::{IntoShared, FromUnshared};
# fn take_shared(plugin: impl RuntimePlugin + 'static) {
# let _plugin: SharedRuntimePlugin = plugin.into_shared();
# }
// Automatically converts it to `SharedRuntimePlugin(StaticRuntimePlugin)`
// This is OK.
// It create a `SharedRuntimePlugin(StaticRuntimePlugin))`
// instead of a nested `SharedRuntimePlugin(SharedRuntimePlugin(StaticRuntimePlugin)))`
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
pub trait FromUnshared<Unshared> {
fn from_unshared(value: Unshared) -> Self;
pub trait IntoShared<Shared> {
fn into_shared(self) -> Shared;
impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,
fn into_shared(self) -> Shared {
pub fn maybe_shared<Shared, MaybeShared, F>(value: MaybeShared, ctor: F) -> Shared
Shared: 'static,
MaybeShared: IntoShared<Shared> + 'static,
F: FnOnce(MaybeShared) -> Shared,
if TypeId::of::<MaybeShared>() == TypeId::of::<Shared>() {
let mut placeholder = Some(value);
let value: Shared = (&mut placeholder as &mut dyn Any)
.expect("type checked above")
.expect("set to Some above");
} else {
macro_rules! impl_shared_conversions {
(convert $shared_type:ident from $unshared_trait:ident using $ctor:expr) => {
impl<T> $crate::shared::FromUnshared<T> for $shared_type
T: $unshared_trait + 'static,
fn from_unshared(value: T) -> Self {
$crate::shared::maybe_shared(value, $ctor)
mod async_impls {
use aws_smithy_async::rt::sleep::{AsyncSleep, SharedAsyncSleep};
use aws_smithy_async::time::{SharedTimeSource, TimeSource};
impl_shared_conversions!(convert SharedAsyncSleep from AsyncSleep using SharedAsyncSleep::new);
impl_shared_conversions!(convert SharedTimeSource from TimeSource using SharedTimeSource::new);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
trait Thing: fmt::Debug {}
struct Thingamajig;
impl Thing for Thingamajig {}
struct SharedThing(#[allow(dead_code)] Arc<dyn Thing>);
impl Thing for SharedThing {}
impl SharedThing {
fn new(thing: impl Thing + 'static) -> Self {
impl_shared_conversions!(convert SharedThing from Thing using SharedThing::new);
fn test() {
let thing = Thingamajig;
assert_eq!("Thingamajig", format!("{thing:?}"), "precondition");
let shared_thing: SharedThing = thing.into_shared();
let very_shared_thing: SharedThing = shared_thing.into_shared();
"it should not nest the shared thing in another shared thing"