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//! Result and error types representing the outcome of compiling a function.
use regalloc2::checker::CheckerErrors;
use crate::ir::pcc::PccError;
use crate::{ir::Function, verifier::VerifierErrors};
use std::string::String;
/// A compilation error.
/// When Cranelift fails to compile a function, it will return one of these error codes.
pub enum CodegenError {
/// A list of IR verifier errors.
/// This always represents a bug, either in the code that generated IR for Cranelift, or a bug
/// in Cranelift itself.
/// An implementation limit was exceeded.
/// Cranelift can compile very large and complicated functions, but the [implementation has
/// limits][limits] that cause compilation to fail when they are exceeded.
/// [limits]: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/cranelift/docs/ir.md#implementation-limits
/// The code size for the function is too large.
/// Different target ISAs may impose a limit on the size of a compiled function. If that limit
/// is exceeded, compilation fails.
/// Something is not supported by the code generator. This might be an indication that a
/// feature is used without explicitly enabling it, or that something is temporarily
/// unsupported by a given target backend.
/// A failure to map Cranelift register representation to a DWARF register representation.
#[cfg(feature = "unwind")]
/// Register allocator internal error discovered by the symbolic checker.
/// Proof-carrying-code validation error.
/// A convenient alias for a `Result` that uses `CodegenError` as the error type.
pub type CodegenResult<T> = Result<T, CodegenError>;
// This is manually implementing Error and Display instead of using thiserror to reduce the amount
// of dependencies used by Cranelift.
impl std::error::Error for CodegenError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
CodegenError::Verifier(source) => Some(source),
CodegenError::ImplLimitExceeded { .. }
| CodegenError::CodeTooLarge { .. }
| CodegenError::Unsupported { .. } => None,
#[cfg(feature = "unwind")]
CodegenError::RegisterMappingError { .. } => None,
CodegenError::Regalloc(..) => None,
CodegenError::Pcc(..) => None,
impl std::fmt::Display for CodegenError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
CodegenError::Verifier(_) => write!(f, "Verifier errors"),
CodegenError::ImplLimitExceeded => write!(f, "Implementation limit exceeded"),
CodegenError::CodeTooLarge => write!(f, "Code for function is too large"),
CodegenError::Unsupported(feature) => write!(f, "Unsupported feature: {feature}"),
#[cfg(feature = "unwind")]
CodegenError::RegisterMappingError(_0) => write!(f, "Register mapping error"),
CodegenError::Regalloc(errors) => write!(f, "Regalloc validation errors: {errors:?}"),
// NOTE: if this is changed, please update the `is_pcc_error` function defined in
// `wasmtime/crates/fuzzing/src/oracles.rs`
CodegenError::Pcc(e) => write!(f, "Proof-carrying-code validation error: {e:?}"),
impl From<VerifierErrors> for CodegenError {
fn from(source: VerifierErrors) -> Self {
CodegenError::Verifier { 0: source }
/// Compilation error, with the accompanying function to help printing it.
pub struct CompileError<'a> {
/// Underlying `CodegenError` that triggered the error.
pub inner: CodegenError,
/// Function we tried to compile, for display purposes.
pub func: &'a Function,
// By default, have `CompileError` be displayed as the internal error, and let consumers care if
// they want to use the func field for adding details.
impl<'a> core::fmt::Debug for CompileError<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
/// A convenient alias for a `Result` that uses `CompileError` as the error type.
pub type CompileResult<'a, T> = Result<T, CompileError<'a>>;