mod conversions_from_wit;
mod conversions_to_wit;
mod runtime;
mod test_runtime;
pub mod wit;
pub use self::runtime::ContractRuntime;
pub use self::test_runtime::MockContractRuntime;
pub use self::wit::export_contract;
use crate::{log::ContractLogger, util::BlockingWait};
pub type ContractRuntime<Application> = MockContractRuntime<Application>;
macro_rules! contract {
($contract:ident) => {
static mut CONTRACT: Option<$contract> = None;
$crate::export_contract!($contract with_types_in $crate::contract::wit);
impl $crate::contract::wit::exports::linera::app::contract_entrypoints::Guest
for $contract
fn instantiate(argument: Vec<u8>) {
use $crate::util::BlockingWait;
$crate::contract::run_async_entrypoint::<$contract, _, _>(
unsafe { &mut CONTRACT },
move |contract| {
let argument = $crate::serde_json::from_slice(&argument)
.expect("Failed to deserialize instantiation argument");
fn execute_operation(operation: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
use $crate::util::BlockingWait;
$crate::contract::run_async_entrypoint::<$contract, _, _>(
unsafe { &mut CONTRACT },
move |contract| {
let operation: <$contract as $crate::abi::ContractAbi>::Operation =
.expect("Failed to deserialize operation");
let response = contract.execute_operation(operation).blocking_wait();
.expect("Failed to serialize contract's `Response`")
fn execute_message(message: Vec<u8>) {
use $crate::util::BlockingWait;
$crate::contract::run_async_entrypoint::<$contract, _, _>(
unsafe { &mut CONTRACT },
move |contract| {
let message: <$contract as $crate::Contract>::Message =
.expect("Failed to deserialize message");
fn finalize() {
use $crate::util::BlockingWait;
let contract = unsafe { CONTRACT.take() }
.expect("Calling `store` on a `Contract` instance that wasn't loaded");;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
fn main() {}
pub fn run_async_entrypoint<Contract, Output, RawOutput>(
contract: &mut Option<Contract>,
entrypoint: impl FnOnce(&mut Contract) -> Output + Send,
) -> RawOutput
Contract: crate::Contract,
Output: Into<RawOutput> + Send + 'static,
let contract =
contract.get_or_insert_with(|| Contract::load(ContractRuntime::new()).blocking_wait());