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// Copyright (c) Zefchain Labs, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! This module provides an SDK for developing Linera applications using Rust.
//! A Linera application consists of two WebAssembly binaries: a contract and a service.
//! Both binaries have access to the same application and chain specific storage. The service only
//! has read-only access, while the contract can write to it. The storage should be used to store
//! the application state, which is persisted across blocks. The state can be a custom type that
//! uses [`linera-views`](https://docs.rs/linera-views/latest/linera_views/index.html), a framework
//! that allows lazily loading selected parts of the state. This is useful if the application's
//! state is large and doesn't need to be loaded in its entirety for every execution.
//! The contract binary should create a type to implement the [`Contract`](crate::Contract) trait.
//! The type can store the [`ContractRuntime`](contract::ContractRuntime) and the state, and must
//! have its implementation exported by using the [`contract!`](crate::contract!) macro.
//! The service binary should create a type to implement the [`Service`](crate::Service) trait.
//! The type can store the [`ServiceRuntime`](service::ServiceRuntime) and the state, and must have
//! its implementation exported by using the [`service!`](crate::service!) macro.
//! # Examples
//! The [`examples`](https://github.com/linera-io/linera-protocol/tree/main/examples)
//! directory contains some example applications.
pub mod util;
pub mod abis;
mod base;
pub mod contract;
#[cfg(feature = "ethereum")]
pub mod ethereum;
mod extensions;
pub mod graphql;
pub mod linera_base_types;
mod log;
pub mod service;
pub mod test;
pub mod views;
use std::fmt::Debug;
pub use bcs;
pub use linera_base::{
data_types::{Resources, SendMessageRequest},
ensure, http,
use linera_base::{
abi::{ContractAbi, ServiceAbi, WithContractAbi, WithServiceAbi},
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
pub use serde_json;
pub use self::{contract::export_contract, service::export_service};
pub use self::{
extensions::{FromBcsBytes, ToBcsBytes},
log::{ContractLogger, ServiceLogger},
views::{KeyValueStore, ViewStorageContext},
/// Hash of a data blob.
#[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct DataBlobHash(pub CryptoHash);
doc_scalar!(DataBlobHash, "Hash of a Data Blob");
/// The contract interface of a Linera application.
/// As opposed to the [`Service`] interface of an application, contract entry points
/// are triggered by the execution of blocks in a chain. Their execution may modify
/// storage and is gas-metered.
/// Below we use the word "transaction" to refer to the current operation or message being
/// executed.
pub trait Contract: WithContractAbi + ContractAbi + Sized {
/// The type of message executed by the application.
/// Messages are executed when a message created by the same application is received
/// from another chain and accepted in a block.
type Message: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Debug;
/// Immutable parameters specific to this application (e.g. the name of a token).
type Parameters: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Clone + Debug;
/// Instantiation argument passed to a new application on the chain that created it
/// (e.g. an initial amount of tokens minted).
/// To share configuration data on every chain, use [`Contract::Parameters`]
/// instead.
type InstantiationArgument: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Debug;
/// Creates an in-memory instance of the contract handler.
async fn load(runtime: ContractRuntime<Self>) -> Self;
/// Instantiates the application on the chain that created it.
/// This is only called once when the application is created and only on the microchain that
/// created the application.
async fn instantiate(&mut self, argument: Self::InstantiationArgument);
/// Applies an operation from the current block.
/// Operations are created by users and added to blocks, serving as the starting point for an
/// application's execution.
async fn execute_operation(&mut self, operation: Self::Operation) -> Self::Response;
/// Applies a message originating from a cross-chain message.
/// Messages are sent across chains. These messages are created and received by
/// the same application. Messages can be either single-sender and single-receiver, or
/// single-sender and multiple-receivers. The former allows sending cross-chain messages to the
/// application on some other specific chain, while the latter uses broadcast channels to
/// send a message to multiple other chains where the application is subscribed to a
/// sender channel on this chain.
/// For a message to be executed, a user must mark it to be received in a block of the receiver
/// chain.
async fn execute_message(&mut self, message: Self::Message);
/// Finishes the execution of the current transaction.
/// This is called once at the end of the transaction, to allow all applications that
/// participated in the transaction to perform any final operations, such as persisting their
/// state.
/// The application may also cancel the transaction by panicking if there are any pendencies.
async fn store(self);
/// The service interface of a Linera application.
/// As opposed to the [`Contract`] interface of an application, service entry points
/// are triggered by JSON queries (typically GraphQL). Their execution cannot modify
/// storage and is not gas-metered.
pub trait Service: WithServiceAbi + ServiceAbi + Sized {
/// Immutable parameters specific to this application.
type Parameters: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + Clone + Debug + 'static;
/// Creates an in-memory instance of the service handler.
async fn new(runtime: ServiceRuntime<Self>) -> Self;
/// Executes a read-only query on the state of this application.
async fn handle_query(&self, query: Self::Query) -> Self::QueryResponse;