use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::string::{String, ToString};
use wasmer_types::Type;
use crate::vm::{VMExternRef, VMFuncRef};
use crate::ExternRef;
use crate::Function;
use crate::store::AsStoreRef;
pub use wasmer_types::RawValue;
pub enum Value {
macro_rules! accessors {
($bind:ident $(($variant:ident($ty:ty) $get:ident $unwrap:ident $cvt:expr))*) => ($(
pub fn $get(&self) -> Option<$ty> {
if let Self::$variant($bind) = self {
} else {
pub fn $unwrap(&self) -> $ty {
self.$get().expect(concat!("expected ", stringify!($ty)))
impl Value {
pub fn null() -> Self {
pub fn ty(&self) -> Type {
match self {
Self::I32(_) => Type::I32,
Self::I64(_) => Type::I64,
Self::F32(_) => Type::F32,
Self::F64(_) => Type::F64,
Self::ExternRef(_) => Type::ExternRef,
Self::FuncRef(_) => Type::FuncRef,
Self::V128(_) => Type::V128,
pub fn as_raw(&self, store: &impl AsStoreRef) -> RawValue {
match *self {
Self::I32(i32) => RawValue { i32 },
Self::I64(i64) => RawValue { i64 },
Self::F32(f32) => RawValue { f32 },
Self::F64(f64) => RawValue { f64 },
Self::V128(u128) => RawValue { u128 },
Self::FuncRef(Some(ref f)) => f.vm_funcref(store).into_raw(),
Self::FuncRef(None) => RawValue { funcref: 0 },
Self::ExternRef(Some(ref e)) => e.vm_externref().into_raw(),
Self::ExternRef(None) => RawValue { externref: 0 },
pub unsafe fn from_raw(store: &mut impl crate::AsStoreMut, ty: Type, raw: RawValue) -> Self {
match ty {
Type::I32 => Self::I32(raw.i32),
Type::I64 => Self::I64(raw.i64),
Type::F32 => Self::F32(raw.f32),
Type::F64 => Self::F64(raw.f64),
Type::V128 => Self::V128(raw.u128),
Type::FuncRef => {
Self::FuncRef(VMFuncRef::from_raw(raw).map(|f| Function::from_vm_funcref(store, f)))
Type::ExternRef => Self::ExternRef(
VMExternRef::from_raw(raw).map(|e| ExternRef::from_vm_externref(store, e)),
pub fn is_from_store(&self, store: &impl AsStoreRef) -> bool {
match self {
| Self::I64(_)
| Self::F32(_)
| Self::F64(_)
| Self::V128(_)
| Self::ExternRef(None)
| Self::FuncRef(None) => true,
Self::ExternRef(Some(e)) => e.is_from_store(store),
Self::FuncRef(Some(f)) => f.is_from_store(store),
accessors! {
(I32(i32) i32 unwrap_i32 *e)
(I64(i64) i64 unwrap_i64 *e)
(F32(f32) f32 unwrap_f32 *e)
(F64(f64) f64 unwrap_f64 *e)
(ExternRef(&Option<ExternRef>) externref unwrap_externref e)
(FuncRef(&Option<Function>) funcref unwrap_funcref e)
(V128(u128) v128 unwrap_v128 *e)
impl fmt::Debug for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::I32(v) => write!(f, "I32({:?})", v),
Self::I64(v) => write!(f, "I64({:?})", v),
Self::F32(v) => write!(f, "F32({:?})", v),
Self::F64(v) => write!(f, "F64({:?})", v),
Self::ExternRef(None) => write!(f, "Null ExternRef"),
Self::ExternRef(Some(v)) => write!(f, "ExternRef({:?})", v),
Self::FuncRef(None) => write!(f, "Null FuncRef"),
Self::FuncRef(Some(v)) => write!(f, "FuncRef({:?})", v),
Self::V128(v) => write!(f, "V128({:?})", v),
impl ToString for Value {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
match self {
Self::I32(v) => v.to_string(),
Self::I64(v) => v.to_string(),
Self::F32(v) => v.to_string(),
Self::F64(v) => v.to_string(),
Self::ExternRef(_) => "externref".to_string(),
Self::FuncRef(_) => "funcref".to_string(),
Self::V128(v) => v.to_string(),
impl PartialEq for Value {
fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, o) {
(Self::I32(a), Self::I32(b)) => a == b,
(Self::I64(a), Self::I64(b)) => a == b,
(Self::F32(a), Self::F32(b)) => a == b,
(Self::F64(a), Self::F64(b)) => a == b,
(Self::V128(a), Self::V128(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
impl From<i32> for Value {
fn from(val: i32) -> Self {
impl From<u32> for Value {
fn from(val: u32) -> Self {
Self::I32(val as i32)
impl From<i64> for Value {
fn from(val: i64) -> Self {
impl From<u64> for Value {
fn from(val: u64) -> Self {
Self::I64(val as i64)
impl From<f32> for Value {
fn from(val: f32) -> Self {
impl From<f64> for Value {
fn from(val: f64) -> Self {
impl From<Function> for Value {
fn from(val: Function) -> Self {
impl From<Option<Function>> for Value {
fn from(val: Option<Function>) -> Self {
impl From<ExternRef> for Value {
fn from(val: ExternRef) -> Self {
impl From<Option<ExternRef>> for Value {
fn from(val: Option<ExternRef>) -> Self {
const NOT_I32: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type i32";
const NOT_I64: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type i64";
const NOT_F32: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type f32";
const NOT_F64: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type f64";
const NOT_FUNCREF: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type funcref";
const NOT_EXTERNREF: &str = "Value is not of Wasm type externref";
impl TryFrom<Value> for i32 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Value> for u32 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
value.i32().ok_or(NOT_I32).map(|int| int as Self)
impl TryFrom<Value> for i64 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Value> for u64 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
value.i64().ok_or(NOT_I64).map(|int| int as Self)
impl TryFrom<Value> for f32 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Value> for f64 {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Value> for Option<Function> {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
Value::FuncRef(f) => Ok(f),
_ => Err(NOT_FUNCREF),
impl TryFrom<Value> for Option<ExternRef> {
type Error = &'static str;
fn try_from(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
Value::ExternRef(e) => Ok(e),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_value_i32_from_u32() {
let bytes = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let v = Value::from(u32::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I32(i32::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01];
let v = Value::from(u32::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I32(i32::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
let v = Value::from(u32::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I32(i32::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF];
let v = Value::from(u32::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I32(i32::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
fn test_value_i64_from_u64() {
let bytes = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00];
let v = Value::from(u64::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I64(i64::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01];
let v = Value::from(u64::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I64(i64::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x11];
let v = Value::from(u64::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I64(i64::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
let bytes = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF];
let v = Value::from(u64::from_be_bytes(bytes));
assert_eq!(v, Value::I64(i64::from_be_bytes(bytes)));
fn convert_value_to_i32() {
let value = Value::I32(5678);
let result = i32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 5678);
let value = Value::from(u32::MAX);
let result = i32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), -1);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = i32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type i32");
fn convert_value_to_u32() {
let value = Value::from(u32::MAX);
let result = u32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), u32::MAX);
let value = Value::I32(-1);
let result = u32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), u32::MAX);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = u32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type i32");
fn convert_value_to_i64() {
let value = Value::I64(5678);
let result = i64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 5678);
let value = Value::from(u64::MAX);
let result = i64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), -1);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = i64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type i64");
fn convert_value_to_u64() {
let value = Value::from(u64::MAX);
let result = u64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), u64::MAX);
let value = Value::I64(-1);
let result = u64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), u64::MAX);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = u64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type i64");
fn convert_value_to_f32() {
let value = Value::F32(1.234);
let result = f32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 1.234);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = f32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type f32");
let value = Value::F64(1.234);
let result = f32::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type f32");
fn convert_value_to_f64() {
let value = Value::F64(1.234);
let result = f64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 1.234);
let value = Value::V128(42);
let result = f64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type f64");
let value = Value::F32(1.234);
let result = f64::try_from(value);
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Value is not of Wasm type f64");