use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use bytes::BufMut;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::frame::request::RequestDeserializationError;
use crate::frame::response::result::ColumnType;
use crate::frame::response::result::PreparedMetadata;
use crate::frame::types;
use crate::frame::value::{LegacySerializedValues, ValueList};
use crate::frame::{response::result::ColumnSpec, types::RawValue};
use super::value::SerializeValue;
use super::{CellWriter, RowWriter, SerializationError};
pub struct RowSerializationContext<'a> {
pub(crate) columns: &'a [ColumnSpec<'a>],
impl<'a> RowSerializationContext<'a> {
pub fn from_prepared(prepared: &'a PreparedMetadata) -> Self {
Self {
columns: prepared.col_specs.as_slice(),
pub const fn empty() -> Self {
Self { columns: &[] }
pub fn columns(&self) -> &'a [ColumnSpec] {
pub fn column_by_name(&self, target: &str) -> Option<&ColumnSpec> {
self.columns.iter().find(|&c| == target)
pub trait SerializeRow {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError>;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
macro_rules! fallback_impl_contents {
() => {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
serialize_legacy_row(self, ctx, writer)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
macro_rules! impl_serialize_row_for_unit {
() => {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
_writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
if !ctx.columns().is_empty() {
return Err(mk_typck_err::<Self>(
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: 0,
cql_cols: ctx.columns().len(),
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl SerializeRow for () {
impl SerializeRow for [u8; 0] {
macro_rules! impl_serialize_row_for_slice {
() => {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
if ctx.columns().len() != self.len() {
return Err(mk_typck_err::<Self>(
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: self.len(),
cql_cols: ctx.columns().len(),
for (col, val) in ctx.columns().iter().zip(self.iter()) {
<T as SerializeValue>::serialize(val, col.typ(), writer.make_cell_writer())
.map_err(|err| {
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl<'a, T: SerializeValue + 'a> SerializeRow for &'a [T] {
impl<T: SerializeValue> SerializeRow for Vec<T> {
impl<T: SerializeRow> SerializeRow for Box<T> {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
self.as_ref().serialize(ctx, writer)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
macro_rules! impl_serialize_row_for_map {
() => {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
let mut unused_columns: HashSet<&str> = self.keys().map(|k| k.as_ref()).collect();
for col in ctx.columns.iter() {
match self.get( {
None => {
return Err(mk_typck_err::<Self>(
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ValueMissingForColumn {
Some(v) => {
<T as SerializeValue>::serialize(v, col.typ(), writer.make_cell_writer())
.map_err(|err| {
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed {
let _ = unused_columns.remove(;
if !unused_columns.is_empty() {
let name = unused_columns.iter().min().unwrap();
return Err(mk_typck_err::<Self>(
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::NoColumnWithName {
name: name.to_string(),
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl<T: SerializeValue> SerializeRow for BTreeMap<String, T> {
impl<T: SerializeValue> SerializeRow for BTreeMap<&str, T> {
impl<T: SerializeValue, S: BuildHasher> SerializeRow for HashMap<String, T, S> {
impl<T: SerializeValue, S: BuildHasher> SerializeRow for HashMap<&str, T, S> {
impl<T: SerializeRow + ?Sized> SerializeRow for &T {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
<T as SerializeRow>::serialize(self, ctx, writer)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
<T as SerializeRow>::is_empty(self)
impl SerializeRow for LegacySerializedValues {
impl SerializeRow for Cow<'_, LegacySerializedValues> {
macro_rules! impl_tuple {
) => {
impl<$($typs: SerializeValue),*> SerializeRow for ($($typs,)*) {
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
let ($($tidents,)*) = match ctx.columns() {
[$($tidents),*] => ($($tidents,)*),
_ => return Err(mk_typck_err::<Self>(
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: $length,
cql_cols: ctx.columns().len(),
let ($($fidents,)*) = self;
<$typs as SerializeValue>::serialize($fidents, $tidents.typ(), writer.make_cell_writer()).map_err(|err| {
mk_ser_err::<Self>(BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed {
name: $,
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
$length == 0
macro_rules! impl_tuples {
(;;;$length:expr) => {};
$typ:ident$(, $($typs:ident),*)?;
$fident:ident$(, $($fidents:ident),*)?;
$tident:ident$(, $($tidents:ident),*)?;
) => {
$length - 1
$typ$(, $($typs),*)?;
$fident$(, $($fidents),*)?;
$tident$(, $($tidents),*)?;
T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15;
f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15;
t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15;
since = "0.15.1",
note = "Legacy serialization API is not type-safe and is going to be removed soon"
macro_rules! impl_serialize_row_via_value_list {
($t:ident$(<$($targ:tt $(: $tbound:tt)?),*>)?) => {
impl $(<$($targ $(: $tbound)?),*>)? $crate::types::serialize::row::SerializeRow
for $t$(<$($targ),*>)?
Self: $crate::frame::value::ValueList,
fn serialize(
ctx: &$crate::types::serialize::row::RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut $crate::types::serialize::writers::RowWriter,
) -> ::std::result::Result<(), $crate::types::serialize::SerializationError> {
$crate::types::serialize::row::serialize_legacy_row(self, ctx, writer)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match $crate::frame::value::ValueList::serialized(self) {
Ok(s) => s.is_empty(),
Err(e) => false
since = "0.15.1",
note = "Legacy serialization API is not type-safe and is going to be removed soon"
pub struct ValueListAdapter<T>(pub T);
impl<T> SerializeRow for ValueListAdapter<T>
T: ValueList,
fn serialize(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
serialize_legacy_row(&self.0, ctx, writer)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self.0.serialized() {
Ok(s) => s.is_empty(),
Err(_) => false,
since = "0.15.1",
note = "Legacy serialization API is not type-safe and is going to be removed soon"
pub fn serialize_legacy_row<T: ValueList>(
r: &T,
ctx: &RowSerializationContext<'_>,
writer: &mut RowWriter,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
let serialized =
<T as ValueList>::serialized(r).map_err(|err| SerializationError(Arc::new(err)))?;
let mut append_value = |value: RawValue| {
let cell_writer = writer.make_cell_writer();
let _proof = match value {
RawValue::Null => cell_writer.set_null(),
RawValue::Unset => cell_writer.set_unset(),
RawValue::Value(v) => cell_writer.set_value(v).unwrap(),
if !serialized.has_names() {
} else {
let mut values_by_name = serialized
.map(|(k, v)| (k.unwrap(), (v, false)))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let mut unused_count = values_by_name.len();
for col in ctx.columns() {
let (val, visited) = values_by_name.get_mut(|| {
ValueListToSerializeRowAdapterError::ValueMissingForBindMarker {
if !*visited {
*visited = true;
unused_count -= 1;
if unused_count != 0 {
let name = values_by_name
.filter_map(|(k, (_, visited))| (!visited).then_some(k))
return Err(SerializationError::new(
ValueListToSerializeRowAdapterError::NoBindMarkerWithName { name },
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
#[error("Failed to type check query arguments {rust_name}: {kind}")]
pub struct BuiltinTypeCheckError {
pub rust_name: &'static str,
pub kind: BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind,
fn mk_typck_err<T>(kind: impl Into<BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind>) -> SerializationError {
mk_typck_err_named(std::any::type_name::<T>(), kind)
fn mk_typck_err_named(
name: &'static str,
kind: impl Into<BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind>,
) -> SerializationError {
SerializationError::new(BuiltinTypeCheckError {
rust_name: name,
kind: kind.into(),
#[derive(Debug, Error, Clone)]
#[error("Failed to serialize query arguments {rust_name}: {kind}")]
pub struct BuiltinSerializationError {
pub rust_name: &'static str,
pub kind: BuiltinSerializationErrorKind,
fn mk_ser_err<T>(kind: impl Into<BuiltinSerializationErrorKind>) -> SerializationError {
mk_ser_err_named(std::any::type_name::<T>(), kind)
fn mk_ser_err_named(
name: &'static str,
kind: impl Into<BuiltinSerializationErrorKind>,
) -> SerializationError {
SerializationError::new(BuiltinSerializationError {
rust_name: name,
kind: kind.into(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind {
WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: usize,
cql_cols: usize,
NoColumnWithName {
name: String,
ValueMissingForColumn {
name: String,
ColumnNameMismatch {
rust_column_name: String,
db_column_name: String,
impl Display for BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount { rust_cols, cql_cols } => {
write!(f, "wrong column count: the statement operates on {cql_cols} columns, but the given rust type provides {rust_cols}")
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::NoColumnWithName { name } => {
"value for column {name} was provided, but there is no bind marker for this column in the query"
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ValueMissingForColumn { name } => {
"value for column {name} was not provided, but the query requires it"
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ColumnNameMismatch { rust_column_name, db_column_name } => write!(
"expected column with name {db_column_name} at given position, but the Rust field name is {rust_column_name}"
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum BuiltinSerializationErrorKind {
ColumnSerializationFailed {
name: String,
err: SerializationError,
impl Display for BuiltinSerializationErrorKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { name, err } => {
write!(f, "failed to serialize column {name}: {err}")
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::TooManyValues => {
"Too many values to add, max 65,535 values can be sent in a request"
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
since = "0.15.1",
note = "Legacy serialization API is not type-safe and is going to be removed soon"
pub enum ValueListToSerializeRowAdapterError {
#[error("Missing named value for column {name}")]
ValueMissingForBindMarker {
name: String,
#[error("There is no bind marker with name {name}, but a value for it was provided")]
NoBindMarkerWithName {
name: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct SerializedValues {
serialized_values: Vec<u8>,
element_count: u16,
impl SerializedValues {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
SerializedValues {
serialized_values: Vec::new(),
element_count: 0,
pub const EMPTY: &'static SerializedValues = &SerializedValues::new();
pub fn from_serializable<T: SerializeRow>(
ctx: &RowSerializationContext,
row: &T,
) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
Self::from_closure(|writer| row.serialize(ctx, writer)).map(|(sr, _)| sr)
pub fn from_closure<F, R>(f: F) -> Result<(Self, R), SerializationError>
F: FnOnce(&mut RowWriter) -> Result<R, SerializationError>,
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut writer = RowWriter::new(&mut data);
let ret = f(&mut writer)?;
let element_count = match writer.value_count().try_into() {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(_) => {
return Err(SerializationError(Arc::new(mk_ser_err::<Self>(
SerializedValues {
serialized_values: data,
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.element_count() == 0
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = RawValue> {
SerializedValuesIterator {
serialized_values: &self.serialized_values,
pub fn element_count(&self) -> u16 {
pub fn buffer_size(&self) -> usize {
pub(crate) fn write_to_request(&self, buf: &mut impl BufMut) {
pub(crate) fn get_contents(&self) -> &[u8] {
pub fn add_value<T: SerializeValue>(
&mut self,
val: &T,
typ: &ColumnType,
) -> Result<(), SerializationError> {
if self.element_count() == u16::MAX {
return Err(SerializationError(Arc::new(mk_ser_err::<Self>(
let len_before_serialize: usize = self.serialized_values.len();
let writer = CellWriter::new(&mut self.serialized_values);
if let Err(e) = val.serialize(typ, writer) {
self.serialized_values.resize(len_before_serialize, 0);
} else {
self.element_count += 1;
pub(crate) fn new_from_frame(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Self, RequestDeserializationError> {
let values_num = types::read_short(buf)?;
let values_beg = *buf;
for _ in 0..values_num {
let _serialized = types::read_value(buf)?;
let values_len_in_buf = values_beg.len() - buf.len();
let values_in_frame = &values_beg[0..values_len_in_buf];
Ok(SerializedValues {
serialized_values: values_in_frame.to_vec(),
element_count: values_num,
impl Default for SerializedValues {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SerializedValuesIterator<'a> {
serialized_values: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> Iterator for SerializedValuesIterator<'a> {
type Item = RawValue<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.serialized_values.is_empty() {
return None;
Some(types::read_value(&mut self.serialized_values).expect("badly encoded value"))
mod doctests {
fn _test_struct_deserialization_name_check_skip_requires_enforce_order() {}
fn _test_struct_deserialization_skip_name_check_conflicts_with_rename() {}
fn _test_struct_deserialization_skip_rename_collision_with_field() {}
fn _test_struct_deserialization_rename_collision_with_another_rename() {}
pub(crate) mod tests {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use crate::frame::response::result::{ColumnSpec, ColumnType, TableSpec};
use crate::frame::types::RawValue;
use crate::frame::value::{LegacySerializedValues, MaybeUnset, SerializedResult, ValueList};
use crate::types::serialize::row::ValueListAdapter;
use crate::types::serialize::{RowWriter, SerializationError};
use super::{
BuiltinSerializationError, BuiltinSerializationErrorKind, BuiltinTypeCheckError,
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind, RowSerializationContext, SerializeRow, SerializeValue,
use super::SerializedValues;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use scylla_macros::SerializeRow;
fn col_spec<'a>(name: &'a str, typ: ColumnType<'a>) -> ColumnSpec<'a> {
ColumnSpec::borrowed(name, typ, TableSpec::borrowed("ks", "tbl"))
fn test_legacy_fallback() {
let row = (
"Ala ma kota",
let mut legacy_data = Vec::new();
<_ as ValueList>::write_to_request(&row, &mut legacy_data).unwrap();
let mut new_data = Vec::new();
let mut new_data_writer = RowWriter::new(&mut new_data);
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &[
col_spec("a", ColumnType::Int),
col_spec("b", ColumnType::Text),
col_spec("c", ColumnType::BigInt),
col_spec("b", ColumnType::Ascii),
<_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut new_data_writer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(new_data_writer.value_count(), 4);
assert_eq!(&legacy_data[2..], new_data);
fn test_legacy_fallback_with_names() {
let sorted_row = (
"Ala ma kota",
let mut sorted_row_data = Vec::new();
<_ as ValueList>::write_to_request(&sorted_row, &mut sorted_row_data).unwrap();
let mut unsorted_row = LegacySerializedValues::new();
unsorted_row.add_named_value("a", &1i32).unwrap();
unsorted_row.add_named_value("b", &"Ala ma kota").unwrap();
.add_named_value("d", &MaybeUnset::Unset::<String>)
unsorted_row.add_named_value("c", &None::<i64>).unwrap();
let mut unsorted_row_data = Vec::new();
let mut unsorted_row_data_writer = RowWriter::new(&mut unsorted_row_data);
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &[
col_spec("a", ColumnType::Int),
col_spec("b", ColumnType::Text),
col_spec("c", ColumnType::BigInt),
col_spec("d", ColumnType::Ascii),
<_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&unsorted_row, &ctx, &mut unsorted_row_data_writer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(unsorted_row_data_writer.value_count(), 4);
assert_eq!(&sorted_row_data[2..], unsorted_row_data);
fn test_dyn_serialize_row() {
let row = (
"Ala ma kota",
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &[
col_spec("a", ColumnType::Int),
col_spec("b", ColumnType::Text),
col_spec("c", ColumnType::BigInt),
col_spec("d", ColumnType::Ascii),
let mut typed_data = Vec::new();
let mut typed_data_writer = RowWriter::new(&mut typed_data);
<_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut typed_data_writer).unwrap();
let row = &row as &dyn SerializeRow;
let mut erased_data = Vec::new();
let mut erased_data_writer = RowWriter::new(&mut erased_data);
<_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut erased_data_writer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(typed_data, erased_data);
pub(crate) fn do_serialize<T: SerializeRow>(t: T, columns: &[ColumnSpec]) -> Vec<u8> {
let ctx = RowSerializationContext { columns };
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut builder = RowWriter::new(&mut ret);
t.serialize(&ctx, &mut builder).unwrap();
fn do_serialize_err<T: SerializeRow>(t: T, columns: &[ColumnSpec]) -> SerializationError {
let ctx = RowSerializationContext { columns };
let mut ret = Vec::new();
let mut builder = RowWriter::new(&mut ret);
t.serialize(&ctx, &mut builder).unwrap_err()
fn col<'a>(name: &'a str, typ: ColumnType<'a>) -> ColumnSpec<'a> {
ColumnSpec::borrowed(name, typ, TableSpec::borrowed("ks", "tbl"))
fn test_legacy_wrapper() {
struct Foo;
impl ValueList for Foo {
fn serialized(&self) -> SerializedResult<'_> {
let mut values = LegacySerializedValues::new();
let columns = &[
col_spec("a", ColumnType::Int),
col_spec("b", ColumnType::Int),
let buf = do_serialize(ValueListAdapter(Foo), columns);
let expected = vec![
0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 65, ];
assert_eq!(buf, expected);
fn get_typeck_err(err: &SerializationError) -> &BuiltinTypeCheckError {
match err.0.downcast_ref() {
Some(err) => err,
None => panic!("not a BuiltinTypeCheckError: {}", err),
fn get_ser_err(err: &SerializationError) -> &BuiltinSerializationError {
match err.0.downcast_ref() {
Some(err) => err,
None => panic!("not a BuiltinSerializationError: {}", err),
fn test_tuple_errors() {
#[allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] let v = ();
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_typeck_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<()>());
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: 0,
cql_cols: 1,
let v = ("Ala ma kota",);
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("b", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_typeck_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<(&str,)>());
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: 1,
cql_cols: 2,
let v = ("Ala ma kota", 123_i32);
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("b", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_ser_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<(&str, i32)>());
let BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { name, err: _ } = &err.kind
else {
panic!("Expected BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed")
assert_eq!(name, "b");
fn test_slice_errors() {
let v = vec!["Ala ma kota"];
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("b", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_typeck_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<Vec<&str>>());
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::WrongColumnCount {
rust_cols: 1,
cql_cols: 2,
let v = vec!["Ala ma kota", "Kot ma pchły"];
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("b", ColumnType::Int)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_ser_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<Vec<&str>>());
let BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { name, err: _ } = &err.kind
else {
panic!("Expected BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed")
assert_eq!(name, "b");
fn test_map_errors() {
let v: BTreeMap<_, _> = vec![("a", 123_i32)].into_iter().collect();
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Int), col("b", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_typeck_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<BTreeMap<&str, i32>>());
let BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ValueMissingForColumn { name } = &err.kind else {
panic!("unexpected error kind: {}", err.kind)
assert_eq!(name, "b");
let v: BTreeMap<_, _> = vec![("a", 123_i32), ("b", 456_i32)].into_iter().collect();
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Int)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_typeck_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<BTreeMap<&str, i32>>());
let BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::NoColumnWithName { name } = &err.kind else {
panic!("unexpected error kind: {}", err.kind)
assert_eq!(name, "b");
let v: BTreeMap<_, _> = vec![("a", 123_i32), ("b", 456_i32)].into_iter().collect();
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Int), col("b", ColumnType::Text)];
let err = do_serialize_err(v, &spec);
let err = get_ser_err(&err);
assert_eq!(err.rust_name, std::any::type_name::<BTreeMap<&str, i32>>());
let BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { name, err: _ } = &err.kind
else {
panic!("Expected BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed")
assert_eq!(name, "b");
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct TestRowWithNoColumns {}
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct TestRowWithColumnSorting {
a: String,
b: i32,
c: Vec<i64>,
fn test_row_serialization_with_column_sorting_correct_order() {
let spec = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", 42i32, vec![1i64, 2i64, 3i64]), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithColumnSorting {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
c: vec![1, 2, 3],
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_with_column_sorting_incorrect_order() {
let spec = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", vec![1i64, 2i64, 3i64], 42i32), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithColumnSorting {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
c: vec![1, 2, 3],
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_failing_type_check() {
let row = TestRowWithColumnSorting::default();
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut row_writer = RowWriter::new(&mut data);
let spec_without_c = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_without_c,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut row_writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinTypeCheckError>().unwrap();
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ValueMissingForColumn { .. }
let spec_duplicate_column = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
col("d", ColumnType::Counter),
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_duplicate_column,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut row_writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinTypeCheckError>().unwrap();
assert_matches!(err.kind, BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::NoColumnWithName { .. });
let spec_wrong_type = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::TinyInt), ];
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_wrong_type,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut row_writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinSerializationError>().unwrap();
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { .. }
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct TestRowWithGenerics<'a, T: SerializeValue> {
a: &'a str,
b: T,
fn test_row_serialization_with_generics() {
fn check_with_type<T: SerializeValue + Copy>(typ: ColumnType<'static>, t: T) {
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("b", typ)];
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", t), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithGenerics {
a: "Ala ma kota",
b: t,
assert_eq!(reference, row);
check_with_type(ColumnType::Int, 123_i32);
check_with_type(ColumnType::Double, 123_f64);
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
#[scylla(crate = crate, flavor = "enforce_order")]
struct TestRowWithEnforcedOrder {
a: String,
b: i32,
c: Vec<i64>,
fn test_row_serialization_with_enforced_order_correct_order() {
let spec = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", 42i32, vec![1i64, 2i64, 3i64]), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithEnforcedOrder {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
c: vec![1, 2, 3],
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_with_enforced_order_failing_type_check() {
let row = TestRowWithEnforcedOrder::default();
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut writer = RowWriter::new(&mut data);
let spec = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
let ctx = RowSerializationContext { columns: &spec };
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinTypeCheckError>().unwrap();
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ColumnNameMismatch { .. }
let spec_without_c = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_without_c,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinTypeCheckError>().unwrap();
BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::ValueMissingForColumn { .. }
let spec_duplicate_column = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
col("d", ColumnType::Counter),
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_duplicate_column,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinTypeCheckError>().unwrap();
assert_matches!(err.kind, BuiltinTypeCheckErrorKind::NoColumnWithName { .. });
let spec_wrong_type = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::TinyInt), ];
let ctx = RowSerializationContext {
columns: &spec_wrong_type,
let err = <_ as SerializeRow>::serialize(&row, &ctx, &mut writer).unwrap_err();
let err = err.0.downcast_ref::<BuiltinSerializationError>().unwrap();
BuiltinSerializationErrorKind::ColumnSerializationFailed { .. }
fn test_empty_serialized_values() {
let values = SerializedValues::new();
assert_eq!(values.element_count(), 0);
assert_eq!(values.buffer_size(), 0);
assert_eq!(values.iter().count(), 0);
fn test_serialized_values_content() {
let mut values = SerializedValues::new();
values.add_value(&1234i32, &ColumnType::Int).unwrap();
values.add_value(&"abcdefg", &ColumnType::Ascii).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
values.write_to_request(&mut buf);
0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 210, 0, 0, 0, 7, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, ]
fn test_serialized_values_iter() {
let mut values = SerializedValues::new();
values.add_value(&1234i32, &ColumnType::Int).unwrap();
values.add_value(&"abcdefg", &ColumnType::Ascii).unwrap();
let mut iter = values.iter();
assert_eq!(, Some(RawValue::Value(&[0, 0, 4, 210])));
Some(RawValue::Value(&[97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103]))
assert_eq!(, None);
fn test_serialized_values_max_capacity() {
let mut values = SerializedValues::new();
for _ in 0..65535 {
.add_value(&123456789i64, &ColumnType::BigInt)
.add_value(&123456789i64, &ColumnType::BigInt)
assert_eq!(values.iter().count(), 65535);
.all(|v| v == RawValue::Value(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0x07, 0x5b, 0xcd, 0x15])))
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug)]
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct TestRowWithColumnRename {
a: String,
#[scylla(rename = "x")]
b: i32,
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug)]
#[scylla(crate = crate, flavor = "enforce_order")]
struct TestRowWithColumnRenameAndEnforceOrder {
a: String,
#[scylla(rename = "x")]
b: i32,
fn test_row_serialization_with_column_rename() {
let spec = [col("x", ColumnType::Int), col("a", ColumnType::Text)];
let reference = do_serialize((42i32, "Ala ma kota"), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithColumnRename {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_with_column_rename_and_enforce_order() {
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("x", ColumnType::Int)];
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", 42i32), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithColumnRenameAndEnforceOrder {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
assert_eq!(reference, row);
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug)]
#[scylla(crate = crate, flavor = "enforce_order", skip_name_checks)]
struct TestRowWithSkippedNameChecks {
a: String,
b: i32,
fn test_row_serialization_with_skipped_name_checks() {
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Text), col("x", ColumnType::Int)];
let reference = do_serialize(("Ala ma kota", 42i32), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithSkippedNameChecks {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_with_not_rust_idents() {
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug)]
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct RowWithTTL {
#[scylla(rename = "[ttl]")]
ttl: i32,
let spec = [col("[ttl]", ColumnType::Int)];
let reference = do_serialize((42i32,), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(RowWithTTL { ttl: 42 }, &spec);
assert_eq!(reference, row);
#[derive(SerializeRow, Debug)]
#[scylla(crate = crate)]
struct TestRowWithSkippedFields {
a: String,
b: i32,
skipped: Vec<String>,
c: Vec<i64>,
fn test_row_serialization_with_skipped_field() {
let spec = [
col("a", ColumnType::Text),
col("b", ColumnType::Int),
col("c", ColumnType::List(Box::new(ColumnType::BigInt))),
let reference = do_serialize(
TestRowWithColumnSorting {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
c: vec![1, 2, 3],
let row = do_serialize(
TestRowWithSkippedFields {
a: "Ala ma kota".to_owned(),
b: 42,
skipped: vec!["abcd".to_owned(), "efgh".to_owned()],
c: vec![1, 2, 3],
assert_eq!(reference, row);
fn test_row_serialization_with_boxed_tuple() {
let spec = [col("a", ColumnType::Int), col("b", ColumnType::Int)];
let reference = do_serialize((42i32, 42i32), &spec);
let row = do_serialize(Box::new((42i32, 42i32)), &spec);
assert_eq!(reference, row);