macro_rules! impl_from_carry_context { ($source: ident, $target: ident, $variant: path) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Allows for converting from a child error type to a parent error type while preserving any context on the child error.
This is intended to be used when:
- Both Source and Target are context enriched thiserror enums
- Source is a variant of Target’s inner error
** Example **
use thiserror::Error;
use thiserror_context::{Context, impl_context, impl_from_carry_context};
// Some inner error type
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum InnerError {
// And some outer error type, which contains
// a variant of the inner error type
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum OuterError {
#[error("inner error")]
// we explicitly do _not_ use #[from] here, instead
// opting to use the macro to create the conversion
// and handle the context propagation.
// Then we use the macro to implement the conversion
// from Inner to Outer
impl_from_carry_context!(Inner, Outer, OuterError::Inner);
fn inner_call() -> Result<(), Inner> {
.context("context on inner")
fn outer_call() -> Result<(), Outer> {
inner_call().context("context on outer")
let r = outer_call();
let e = r.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}",e), r#"Inner(Dummy)
Caused by:
0: context on outer
1: context on inner