Crate alloy_contract

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Interact with on-chain contracts.

The main type is CallBuilder, which is a builder for constructing calls to on-chain contracts. It provides a way to encode and decode data for on-chain calls, and to send those calls to the chain. See its documentation for more details.


Combined with the sol! macro’s #[sol(rpc)] attribute, CallBuilder can be used to interact with on-chain contracts. The #[sol(rpc)] attribute generates a method for each function in a contract that returns a CallBuilder for that function. See its documentation for more details.

use alloy_contract::SolCallBuilder;
use alloy_network::Ethereum;
use alloy_primitives::{Address, U256};
use alloy_provider::ProviderBuilder;
use alloy_sol_types::sol;

sol! {
    #[sol(rpc)] // <-- Important! Generates the necessary `MyContract` struct and function methods.
    #[sol(bytecode = "0x1234")] // <-- Generates the `BYTECODE` static and the `deploy` method.
    contract MyContract {
        constructor(address) {} // The `deploy` method will also include any constructor arguments.

        function doStuff(uint a, bool b) public payable returns(address c, bytes32 d);

// Build a provider.
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().with_recommended_fillers().on_builtin("http://localhost:8545").await?;

// If `#[sol(bytecode = "0x...")]` is provided, the contract can be deployed with `MyContract::deploy`,
// and a new instance will be created.
let constructor_arg = Address::ZERO;
let contract = MyContract::deploy(&provider, constructor_arg).await?;

// Otherwise, or if already deployed, a new contract instance can be created with `MyContract::new`.
let address = Address::ZERO;
let contract = MyContract::new(address, &provider);

// Build a call to the `doStuff` function and configure it.
let a = U256::from(123);
let b = true;
let call_builder = contract.doStuff(a, b).value(U256::from(50e18 as u64));

// Send the call. Note that this is not broadcasted as a transaction.
let call_return =;
println!("{call_return:?}"); // doStuffReturn { c: 0x..., d: 0x... }

// Use `send` to broadcast the call as a transaction.
let _pending_tx = call_builder.send().await?;



  • Error when interacting with contracts.


  • A trait for decoding the output of a contract function.

Type Aliases§