Crate linera_base

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This module provides a common set of types and library functions that are shared between the Linera protocol (compiled from Rust to native code) and Linera applications (compiled from Rust to Wasm).



  • This module defines the notion of Application Binary Interface (ABI) for Linera applications across Wasm and native architectures.
  • Command functionality used for spawning child processes.
  • Define the cryptographic primitives used by the Linera protocol.
  • Core data-types used in the Linera protocol.
  • Object-safe conversion traits.
  • A wrapper for hashable types to memoize the hash.
  • Types used when performing HTTP requests.
  • Core identifiers used by the Linera protocol.
  • Structures defining the set of owners and super owners, as well as the consensus round types and timeouts for chains.
  • Functionality for obtaining some free port.
  • This module defines utility functions for interacting with Prometheus (logging metrics, etc)
  • Abstractions over tasks that can be used natively or on the Web.
  • Abstractions over time that can be used natively or on the Web.
  • This module provides unified handling for tracing subscribers within Linera binaries.
  • The virtual machines being supported.


  • Defines a GraphQL scalar type using the hex-representation of the value’s BCS-serialized form.
  • Defines a GraphQL scalar with a description string.
  • A macro for asserting that a condition is true, returning an error if it is not.

