Module linera_views::views::key_value_store_view

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The implementation of a key-value store view. We implement two types:

  1. The first type KeyValueStoreView implements View and the function of KeyValueStore.

  2. The second type ViewContainer encapsulates KeyValueStoreView and provides the following functionalities:

    • The Clone trait
    • a write_batch that takes a &self instead of a &mut self
    • a write_batch that writes in the context instead of writing of the view.

Currently, that second type is only used for tests.

Key tags to create the sub-keys of a KeyValueStoreView on top of the base key.


  • A view that represents the functions of KeyValueStore.
  • A pair containing the key and value size.
  • A virtual DB client using a KeyValueStoreView as a backend (testing only).
