Crate linera_views

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This module is used in the Linera protocol to map complex data structures onto a key-value store. The central notion is a views::View which can be loaded from storage, modified in memory, and then committed (i.e. the changes are atomically persisted in storage).

The package provides essentially two functionalities:

  • An abstraction to access databases.
  • Several containers named views for storing data modeled on classical ones.

See for more details.

§The supported databases.

The databases supported are of the NoSQL variety and they are key-value stores.

We provide support for the following databases:

  • MemoryStore is using the memory
  • RocksDbStore is a disk-based key-value store
  • DynamoDbStore is the AWS-based DynamoDB service.
  • ScyllaDbStore is a cloud-based Cassandra-compatible database.
  • ServiceStoreClient is a gRPC-based storage that uses either memory or RocksDB. It is available in linera-storage-service.

The corresponding trait in the code is the crate::store::KeyValueStore. The trait decomposes into a store::ReadableKeyValueStore and a store::WritableKeyValueStore. In addition, there is a store::AdminKeyValueStore which gives some functionalities for working with stores. A context is the combination of a client and a base key (of type Vec<u8>).


A view is a container whose data lies in one of the above-mentioned databases. When the container is modified the modification lies first in the view before being committed to the database. In technical terms, a view implements the trait View.

The specific functionalities of the trait View are the following:

  • context for obtaining a reference to the storage context of the view.
  • load for loading the view from a specific context.
  • rollback for canceling all modifications that were not committed thus far.
  • clear for clearing the view, in other words for reverting it to its default state.
  • flush for persisting the changes to storage.

The following views implement the View trait:

  • RegisterView implements the storing of a single data.
  • LogView implements a log, which is a list of entries that can be expanded.
  • QueueView implements a queue, which is a list of entries that can be expanded and reduced.
  • MapView implements a map with keys and values.
  • SetView implements a set with keys.
  • CollectionView implements a map whose values are views themselves.
  • ReentrantCollectionView implements a map for which different keys can be accessed independently.
  • ViewContainer<C> implements a KeyValueStore and is used internally.

The LogView can be seen as an analog of VecDeque while MapView is an analog of BTreeMap.



  • Backend implementing the crate::store::KeyValueStore trait.
  • The definition of the batches for writing in the database. A set of functionalities for building batches to be written into the database. A batch can contain three kinds of operations on a key/value store:
  • Common definitions used for views and backends. This provides some common code for the linera-views.
  • The Context trait and related definitions.
  • Support for metrics.
  • Functions for random generation
  • The KeyValueStore trait and related definitions. This provides the trait definitions for the stores.
  • Helper types for tests.
  • Elementary data-structures implementing the views::View trait.