Crate linera_wasmer_compiler

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The wasmer-compiler crate provides the necessary abstractions to create a compiler.

It provides an universal way of parsing a module via wasmparser, while giving the responsibility of compiling specific function WebAssembly bodies to the Compiler implementation.



  • Return an Err(WasmError::Unsupported(msg)) where msg the string built by calling format! on the arguments to this macro.


  • A compiled wasm module, ready to be instantiated.
  • A compiled wasm module, ready to be instantiated.
  • A compiled wasm module that was loaded from a serialized archive.
  • Tunable parameters for WebAssembly compilation. This is the reference implementation of the Tunables trait, used by default.
  • Memory manager for executable code.
  • A WebAssembly Universal Engine.
  • The Builder contents of Engine
  • The inner contents of Engine
  • This is a global cache of backtrace frame information for all active
  • Controls which experimental features will be enabled. Features usually have a corresponding WebAssembly proposal.
  • Contains function data: bytecode and its offset in the module.
  • Represents a continuous region of executable memory starting with a function entry point.
  • An RAII structure used to unregister a module’s frame information when the module is destroyed.
  • A Middleware binary reader of the WebAssembly structures and types.
  • The state of the binary reader. Exposed to middlewares to push their outputs.
  • The result of translating via ModuleEnvironment. Function bodies are not yet translated, and data initializers have not yet been copied out of the original buffer. The function bodies will be translated by a specific compiler backend.
  • Module loaded from an archive. Since CompileModuleInfo is part of the public interface of this crate and has to be mutable, it has to be deserialized completely.
  • Contains information decoded from the Wasm module that must be referenced during each Wasm function’s translation.


  • The variant of the compiled function frame info which can be an owned type
  • The variant of the frame information which can be an owned type or the explicit framed map
  • An error while instantiating a module.
  • The WebAssembly.LinkError object indicates an error during module instantiation (besides traps from the start function).


  • Version number of this crate.


  • An Artifact is the product that the Engine implementation produce and use.
  • An implementation of a Compiler from parsed WebAssembly module to Compiled native code.
  • The compiler configuration options.
  • Trait for iterating over the operators of a Wasm Function
  • A function middleware specialized for a single function.
  • A shared builder for function middlewares.
  • Trait for generating middleware chains from “prototype” (generator) chains.
  • An engine delegates the creation of memories, tables, and globals to a foreign implementor of this trait.
  • Trait needed to get downcasting of Engines to work.


Type Aliases§

  • Addend to add to the symbol value.
  • Offset in bytes from the beginning of the function.