macro_rules! impl_serialize_row_via_value_list { ($t:ident$(<$($targ:tt $(: $tbound:tt)?),*>)?) => { ... }; }
👎Deprecated since 0.15.1: Legacy serialization API is not type-safe and is going to be removed soon
Expand description
Implements the SerializeRow
trait for a type, provided that the type
already implements the legacy
The translation from one trait to another encounters a performance penalty
and does not utilize the stronger guarantees of SerializeRow
. Before
resorting to this macro, you should consider other options instead:
- If the impl was generated using the
procedural macro, you should switch to theSerializeRow
procedural macro. The new macro behaves differently by default, so please read its documentation first! - If the impl was written by hand, it is still preferable to rewrite it manually. You have an opportunity to make your serialization logic type-safe and potentially improve performance.
Basically, you should consider using the macro if you have a hand-written impl and the moment it is not easy/not desirable to rewrite it.
struct NoGenerics {}
impl ValueList for NoGenerics {
fn serialized(&self) -> SerializedResult<'_> {
// Generic types are also supported. You must specify the bounds if the
// struct/enum contains any.
struct WithGenerics<T, U: Clone>(T, U);
impl<T: Value, U: Clone + Value> ValueList for WithGenerics<T, U> {
fn serialized(&self) -> SerializedResult<'_> {
let mut values = LegacySerializedValues::new();
impl_serialize_row_via_value_list!(WithGenerics<T, U: Clone>);